Open House, April 27, 10_00-12_00! Get The Best For Your Child! June Summer Camp Registration Available!
CountrySide will host an Open House on April 27, from 10:00 am-12:00 pm
Come and visit this uniquely beautiful and amazing AMI accredited Montessori School!
There is not another authentic Montessori School quite like it!
Only about 200 Montessori Schools are AMI accredited, the gold standard of Montessori education!
Also, find out about our June Summer Camp and Fall registration.
Receive $125.00 off the initial registration fee for Fall- for a limited time only.

Exciting June Summer Program!
2019 CountrySide Montessori Summer Program and Camp
Hanne Gottschalk, MA, AMI Directress,
Vivian Navarro, BA., Victoria Reszel, BA – Assistants
June Summer Program 9:00-12:00 pm or 9:00-1:00 pm (ages 3-4)
June Summer Camp 9:00-3:00 pm (ages 5 through 9)
- Dinosaurs and animals that lived with dinosaurs, plus Insect Safari! “All About Butterflies, Insects & Bugs“! June 3-7
These are new exciting summer themes for everyone! Children have been very interested in dinosaurs, so we are adding this study of dinosaurs for this week! We will explore our back yard and learn about the different species of butterflies, insects, and bugs. We hope that the children will share with us many kinds of insects that they find at home! Arts and crafts will be daily components as well as other activities relating to these topics. Please feel free to share information, such as books, photos, and interesting items or short videos with us! This will be a fun and very educational week of exploration and activities! Daily use of and practice with all Montessori materials is an integral part of our Montessori Summer School program.
- Make Your Own Masterpieces! June 10-14
An all-time favorite, students will paint with watercolor, draw with chalk, experiment, make collages, mobiles, sculpt, and will make other uniquely creative projects. The children will also learn about impressionists, cubists, expressionists, post-expressionists, and some old masters! This is one of our most popular summer sessions, and of course we will have much fun with creating our own unique masterpieces!! Daily use of and practice with all Montessori materials is an integral part of our Montessori Summer School program.
- Little Master Chefs Around the World! June 17-21
Back by popular demand! During this week, our children will learn about the foods and cultures of different Continents: South America, Europe, North America, and Asia. Our little chefs will cook special dishes from parts of these parts of the world. We will discover together why certain foods and dishes are customary in different parts of the world, based on their environment. Unique customs, music and cultural differences will also be introduced. The children will taste dishes from Colombia, Germany, The United States, and Thailand We will also talk about important places and history. If you have items or photos relating to any of the continents or countries, please consider sharing them with us for a day. Enriching arts and crafts are incorporated each day! Daily use of and practice with all Montessori materials is an integral part of our Montessori Summer School program.
- The Mighty Rain Forests! June 24-28
We will explore Rain Forests of the world and learn about their importance to us. The children will discover in which countries Rain Forests exist. They will learn about the fauna and animals of the rain forest . We will have daily arts, crafts, and activities relating to these topics. Please feel free to share information, such as books, photos, and interesting items or short videos with us! This will be a fun and very educational week of exploration and activities! Daily use of and practice with all Montessori materials is an integral part of our Montessori Summer School program.

Call for more information! Your child will love our June Summer Camp and our Montessori School!