AMI Accreditation 2015; 0nly 200 of 5000 Montessori Schools in the United States!
What a wonderful feeling it is, to have again achieved our coveted AMI Accreditation on October 8th! The children worked so well all day, finding challenging work throughout the morning and early afternoon! We are so proud of them! Many children introduced themselves to the AMI representative! He was very pleased with the good work of your children and was impressed with our beautiful little CountrySide Montessori School and how well the Montessori method was being implemented!
Just to mention it, in case you did not know, there are fewer than200 AMI Accredited Montessori schools on the US, from among 5000 Montessori schools in the United States!
“Thank you,” to all who were so encouraging to us! We are so grateful to so many people who have all helped to make this special success again possible!
My wonderful assistants worked tirelessly to ensure that every detail was observed in making sure that our classrooms were in tip-top shape and that the students were carrying out their tasks as we expected of them! Thank you so very very much, Ms. Navarro, Ms. Victoria, and also Ms. Bianca, Maiya’s mom who is helping us during the busy noon times! My wonderful husband, Bill, has worked tirelessly by my side to bring this goal of renewed AMI accreditation to fruition! I am so grateful to all of you!
Again, it is a great relief and a joyful time for us!
Kindest regards,
Ms. Hanne