Primary Curriculum, Summer Program, and Tuition

The Primary Curriculum (Ages 3 to 6+)
CountrySide Montessori School is following strict guidelines of the internationally known early childhood curriculum developed by Dr. Maria Montessori. Her methods of teaching have achieved worldwide respect, acclaim, and great success for children.
They include a variety of proven key activities and teachings that are critical for optimal early childhood development and help establish a foundation for long-term success.
We provide a nurturing, safe, and educationally stimulating environment that is distinctly unique. Our enthusiastic teachers deeply care for the children’s emotional and intellectual well-being and stay in close daily contact with parents.
Highlights include:
Our primary classrooms, Montessori Curriculum (3 – 6+ years of age), are quiet, harmonious environments carefully designed for children to “actively learn by doing.” A wide variety of research-based learning materials foster individual growth and a delight in learning.
Cooperation, a sense of community, independence, and a belief in one’s own abilities create a fundamental sense of self-worth and self-confidence in our children that serves them throughout their life.
Primary Curriculum Program Areas
Some of the programs include, but are not limited to, the following:
The Practical Life Curriculum
Includes activities that are designed to foster independence, self-control, self-confidence, and self-esteem. These are characteristics that play a critical role in subsequent intellectual growth and responsible social interaction.
These include logical sequence, attention to small detail, exactness, and purposeful activity that cultivate an aptitude for logic, mathematics, science, and composition.
Children receive satisfaction from mastery of daily life skills and become confident in their own ability to learn and contribute. Care for self, our classroom environment, and our herb and flower gardens are integral parts of the practical life curriculum.
The Sensorial Curriculum
These are activities designed to isolate and categorize qualities of the environment perceived through the senses, which focuses on the development of sensory perception.
The Montessori Program offers a multisensory approach to learning that encourages children to use the optimum combination of their senses. Using the senses effectively, with refined distinction, lays a physical and mental foundation for further learning based on reason and judgment. As Aristotle said, “There is nothing in the intellect which was not first in the senses.”
The Language Curriculum
This encompasses the whole classroom. Our school is a language-rich environment. The children are given opportunities for discussions, storytelling, and naming curriculum materials like geometric figures, the continents of the Earth, or parts of an insect.
The specialized activities in the language curriculum assists in vocabulary development, phonetic progression into reading, and development of writing skills and composition. The children are also exposed to German, French, and Spanish.
The Math Curriculum
This starts with activities that teach sequence, recognition, and quantity of the numbers 1 through 10. We then progress through the function and facts of the four math operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
The children explore mathematical relationships, such as the squaring and cubing of numbers and fractions, by manipulating concrete materials that are designed to isolate a concept and prepare the mind for abstract mathematical reasoning.
The Cultural Curriculum
Activities, including art, music, science, and geography, are integrated into the child’s day. Through the exploration of history and the natural world, the children develop an understanding and appreciation of the physical, political, and cultural nature of the Earth and its diverse populations.
More About Our Curriculum
Our curriculum is child-determined, but teacher-guided. This means that children are given choices about their learning. They cannot choose to refuse to learn (but children naturally want to learn). They are given individual choices of lessons with the teacher and materials to explore.
They can choose the subject they want to study at one time, and spend as much time as they want on a given pursuit. But they are expected to complete the Montessori curriculum within approximately the three-year cycles allocated.
The teacher will work to assure that each child covers all the necessary areas of study. Nearly all children cover not only the necessities, but a lot more during their time with us.
Highly Trained Teachers
We combine in-depth knowledge of the Montessori curriculum with refined observational skills. This allows our highly trained AMI-certified teachers to match the educational materials to each child’s developmental needs, guiding the child through an individualized curriculum that is developmentally responsive and relevant.
Individualized Instruction
Kindergarten program is from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm and 8:00 am – 3:30 pm
Program Description
Young children can absorb information easily and without any effort. It is most likely that we have all noticed this remarkable ability within a child at one time or another. Children in the primary program possess what Dr. Maria Montessori called the “Absorbent Mind.”
This name refers to the ability of a child to absorb, without any effort or fatigue, all aspects of one’s culture and environment. During this period of self-construction, the child is encouraged to do individual work to refine and practice skills, concentrate, and become confident while discovering the joys of learning.
Our primary classrooms are designed for age groups from 2.5 to 6+. We have created a quiet, harmonious environment for children to respond to their natural love for learning. A wide variety of research-based learning materials foster individual growth and a delight in learning. Cooperation, a sense of community, independence, and a belief in one’s own abilities create a fundamental sense of self-worth and self-confidence in our children that serves them throughout their life.
Tuition - Morning Program
Key Information About the Primary Morning Montessori Program:
All Day Program/ Tuition
Key Information About the Primary All-Day Montessori Program:
Educational Summer Camp sessions and programs!
Summer program and summer camps, four weeks in June, 3 to 9 years of age
Commit to Your Child’s Learning
If you are looking for a private school for your child with parents who are deeply committed to supporting their child’s early education, you have just found it! Get in touch with us to learn more.
*Tuition and Fees are subject to change