Highlight on Asia and more January Highlights!
This week was filled with special highlights! Ms. Rodica returned to CountrySide, and we were thrilled to welcome her and her children back! We missed her dearly!The older children learned how to knit thanks to Ms. Jessica who was an expert and patient knitting teacher! As part of our focus on Asia, one of our parents shared her Vietnamese traditions about the New Year with us! It was most interesting to our students and they all lined up to wish Ms. Vu a Happy New Year. The children received the traditional red envelopes which contained a lovely origami heart design of a dollar bill! What a surprise! Her children were dressed in special traditional silk gowns. To top off the presentation, each child received a rice cake wrapped carefully with a banana leaf! It was a most memorable cultural presentation! Thank you, Ms. Vu! We will cherish your visit to us!
As part of a student community service project, one of our fathers helped his ten- year- old son to spread pine straw on our playground! His daughter who is a student at Countryside joined them with great enthusiasm! We so much appreciate their acts of kindness and service! Thank you!