Corona Virus Health and Safety Information as of 6-28-2020!

At CountrySide Montessori School, we are committed to the health and safety of all our students and families.
Coronavirus Health and Safety Information
At CountrySide Montessori School, we are committed to the health and safety of all our students and families. We have implemented strict health and safety measures for the protection of our children & families. These are as follows:
- Stay home if you or your children have tested positive for COVID-19. Parents of children attending our current programs will be notified, if a child or household member tested positive. The school will follow CDC recommendations if an infected person has been in the school building. We will immediately notify the local health officials. These officials will help us determine a course of action for our school, including short-term dismissal time of 2-5 days. This allows the local health officials to help the school determine appropriate next steps, including whether an extended dismissal duration is needed to stop or slow further spread of COVID-19.
- You may only return (should you or your child have tested positive) after we receive written proof that you or your child have tested negative for the virus and with a medical doctor’s release.
- Keep your children home if they are feeling ill. Consult a health professional.
- Before we escort your child from your car to the school, we will ask you and it is your responsibility to let us know if you or anyone in your household tested positive for COVID-19. Anyone showing signs of illness of any kind or ho may have been exposed to COVID-19 should not be in our school. Symptoms of COVID-19: fever,cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, respiratory symptoms: Any 2 of the following: chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat or a new loss of smell and taste.
We are conducting daily health screening, including daily temperature checks. We will record your child’s temperature, and will conduct your child’s temperature screening at drop-off time with our own thermometer that we keep at the school. Tours of prospective parents are given after school hours. Only children and staff are permitted entrance to the school during classroom hours and parents or visitors can view the school from the outside. We restrict families’ access to the front door of CountrySide Montessori School. We prohibit unnecessary visitors at any time.
- Children who exhibit a fever as determined by a temperature reading 100.4, or exhibit signs of illness during drop-off time may not attend school. These subjective signs are flushed cheeks, fatigue, extreme fussiness, chills, shivering, sweating, achiness, or headache. Children who have mild symptoms of fever and a cold, may return after 72 hours of being fever-free, and without medication.
- Parents have the option to decide whether their child should wear a mask while attending CountrySide Montessori School.
- Children will be required to wash their hands frequently and thoroughly during the day: they use a hand sanitizer before entering the classroom, wash their hands after changing their shoes, before snack and lunch, and after bathroom visits, after returning from the playground, after sneezing, coughing, and touching their faces.
- We open outside doors and windows to increase air circulation in the classrooms.
- CountrySide Montessori School is also disinfected and sanitized monthly by a company known as “HealthySpace.” The HealthySpace Company kills Germs and Bacteria using VitalOxide mist. VitalOxide is EPA and National Sanitation Foundation approved for hospitals, schools, childcare centers and other facilities and residences. It is rated to kill 99.999% of bacteria and germs including the COVID-19 virus. It inhibits and keeps mold and mildew from growing for up to 4 weeks. It is absolutely safe for children and adults. Once a month, HealthySpace will mist the entire interior of the school after 3:30 pm, along with misting the playground.
- Every day, Ms. Hanne, and her assistant disinfect frequently touched surfaces with VitalOxide spray or Clorox wipes.
- Montessori School has two spacious classrooms allowing children to work comfortably either at individual tables or on individual rugs. Children have lunch in their classroom.
- Weather permitting, our students play daily outside, or do gardening activities in our beautiful backyard for exercise and fresh air.
Daily Performed Health Screening Questions for the Summer Camp Program and the Upcoming Academic School Year:
- Have you or anyone in your household tested positive for COVID-19?
- Have you or anyone in your household have experienced at least 2 of these symptoms: fever, shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat or a new loss of smell and taste?
Parents’ Signatures and acknowledgement of CountrySide Montessori School’s Procedures:
Signature: Print: Date:
Signature: Print Date