Montessori Day Camp for school aged children starting 3-23-20
Dear Parents,
As of next week, March 23 -27, CountrySide will be able to offer Montessori day camp programs in addition to our primary Montessori program for children 5 through 8 years of age.
This Montessori day camp program is designed for children 5 years and older who are not currently enrolled at CountrySide Montessori School. This program is intended to help parents of children normally attending public Kindergarten, first and second grade. We are granted an emergency provision by the State of Georgia to help parents of school aged children. These age ranges are the same as we have had in the past during our June summer programs. Older children will be able to get lessons on math, language, writing, geography, art, music, gardening, and other areas. We have a plethora of materials that 6, 7, 8 year old children will find fascinating!
Please read the letter addressed to us signed by Pam Stevens, Deputy Commissioner of Child care services.
I am working on weekly schedules through the middle of May. You will receive highlights of the first several weeks this weekend. Please contact me as soon as possible if you are interested in your child attending this camp. Please email me at [email protected] or call at 770-277-3950, and tell a friend! I will return your call as soon as I am able! Please remember that while this camp is designed for new children, those students that are currently enrolled and have their tuition paid current can also attend. Pre Registration fees are waived. Please share this news on social media! It will help many families!
Please email me if this is of interest to you and tell a friend! Many parents are struggling with having several children at home while trying to work!
Dear License-Exempt Child Care Providers,
We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we continue to address the many questions and issues related to our response to COVID-19 in Georgia. To meet the needs of local communities, the Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL) supports your decision to operate an approved category 7 – Day Camp during this time under the condition that the children served must be 5 years of age or older.
Thanks for all you do for Georgia’s children and their families.
Pam Stevens
Deputy Commissioner for Child Care Services
With warmest regards,
Ms. Hanne