Upcoming November Events!
CountrySide Montessori School at the Little Mulberry Park
“Where children love to learn, discover, and respect one another”
November 2017 Newsletter
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones!
This month, we will focus on the history, traditions, and geography of the United States. If you have any items or books relating to these subjects, please feel free to bring them! We will treat every item with great respect! I will show our children old quilts, pictures of Williamsburg, pictures of log houses, and more. They will also learn about the early explorers, Lewis and Clark, the pioneer life, and Native Americans. Every year, inspired by the story of “Stone Soup”, we will make the delicious “Stone Soup,” which celebrates the spirit of each of us contributing in a small way for the benefit of all!
The Magic of Stone Soup! This year, the magic of making Stone soup will come to life on November 14th! Every child will bring one small vegetable, and together, all of these vegetables will create the most delicious soup that begins with a small stone being placed in the broth. The story of “Stone Soup” appears in many European countries, with every version being slightly different. All stories have in common the spirit of harmoniously coming together, by joining one another for the benefit and enjoyment of all within a small community.
Making Our Own Butter! Friday morning, November 10th, the children will learn how to make butter!
AMI-Accreditation! We are pleased to inform you that CountrySide Montessori School received again its AMI Accreditation for this year. The Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) accreditation is the oldest and most prestigious accreditation awarded to Montessori Schools who adhere to the standards set forth by Dr. Maria Montessori herself. There are about 5000 various Montessori schools in the United States, but only about 200 have received the coveted AMI Accreditation.
Open House! We will host two Open Houses this month; one on Saturday, November 4th, from 10:00 – noon, and the second one on November 11th, from 10:00 – noon. Many parents are beginning to look for schools for their children either for the next semester or for the next school year. Please share these dates with your friends. Special registration discounts for new students will be offered during these Open Houses. We will also have a few fun art activities for visiting families, so come and join us! It will be fun!
Thanksgiving Feast! Since we have done from the beginning of our very first year of school in 2005, we will again celebrate our own “Thanksgiving Feast” on Friday, November 17th, from 12:00-1:00 pm. Parents are invited to join us, and are asked to bring a small dish of traditional Thanksgiving food of their choice to share with our class, instead of the regular lunch for their children. All parents are invited to join us! This is a very enjoyable event! Please let us know if you wish to help us! We will have early release at 2:00 pm for our afternoon children. Thank you!
***In the morning, for snack, children will enjoy holiday foods, such as pumpkin muffins and apple cider!
CountrySide Holiday Family Celebration! The holidays are approaching fast, and that means it is time for our 11th annual CountrySide Holiday Family Celebration, on Saturday, December 16th, from 11:00-1:00 pm! This year, we would again like to celebrate the heritage of each family and encourage everyone to bring a traditional family dish. Please mark your calendar. More details will be coming soon!
Thanksgiving Break! CountrySide Montessori School will be closed for Thanksgiving from November 20th -November 24th.
From our families to yours,
We wish you and your loved ones
A Happy Thanksgiving Holiday!