Summer Program 2016
Exciting June Summer Program!
2016 CountrySide Montessori School Summer Program
Hanne Gottschalk, MA, AMI Directress, Vivian Navarro, BA. , Victoria Reszel, BA
1.“Make Your Own Masterpieces” June 6 – 10th
Students will paint with watercolor, draw with chalk, experiment, make collages, tie dye, make mobiles, sculpt, and will make other uniquely creative projects. The children will also learn about impressionists, cubists, expressionists, post-expressionists, and some old masters! This is one of our most popular summer sessions!
Every week, children will enjoy water fun “Splish-Splash” days,” special cooking activities, music, games, gardening, arts and crafts, and more!
2.“All about Oceans, Seas, Lakes, and Marshes!” June 13-17th
We will explore the oceans, seas, lakes, and marshes, and what kind of animals live in these bodies of water. Children will learn about sea shells, crustaceans, fish, whales, dolphins and fauna, beaches and shores, what benefits the oceans have for us, and what kind of boats and ships we use to navigate the seas! We will have daily arts, crafts, and activities relating to these topics. Please feel free to share information, such as books, photos, and interesting items or short videos with us! This will be a fun and very educational week of exploration and activities!
Every week, children will enjoy water fun “Splish-Splash” days, special cooking activities, music, games, gardening, arts and crafts, and more!
3. “Taking a Trip to Europe!” June 20 – 24th
Throughout this week, our children will learn about several European countries; how the people live, and what customs they have. The children will taste well known foods from France, England, Germany, Greece, and Italy. We will also talk about important places, events, and people. If you have items or photos relating to Europe, please consider sharing them with us for a day. Art and arts and craft activities are incorporated each day!
Every week, children will enjoy water fun “Splish-Splash” days, special cooking activities, music, games, gardening, arts and crafts, and more!
4. “Planets and the Solar System and More!” June 27-July 1st
Let’s discover the planets and explore the universe! Children will learn about planets, stars, meteors, and space explorations of the past! Children will make their own personal planets and rockets which they will be able to take home, and they will gain greater understanding of the world beyond our earth! In addition we will learn about volcanoes and make our own volcano in the classroom! Please feel free to share any photos, books, or interesting items with our class!
Every week, children will enjoy water fun “Splish-Splash” days, special cooking activities, music, games, gardening, arts and crafts, and more!
5. The titles of this session and possibly a prior one have not been yet determined. July 25-29th
CountrySide Montessori School At The Little Mulberry Park
“Where children love to learn, discover, and respect one another”
For children between the ages of 3 and 7 years of age
Summer Program Fees: 8:30 AM -12:00 Noon, ½ Day Program
Tuition for 4 weeks (M through F ): $625 One week (M through F ): $160
Two week session (M through F): $320 Two week session: M, W, F: $225, or M,T,Th
Two week session T, F :$160
Summer Program Fees: 8:30-3:00 PM, Full Day Program
Tuition for 4 weeks (M through F): $825 One week (M through F ): $ 225
Two week session (M through F): $450 Two week session: M, W, F: $275 or M,T,Th
There is a 10 % discount for the 2nd child attending any of our programs, M-F.
(770) 277-3950
Email: [email protected]
“Like us” on CountrySide’s facebook!
CountrySide Montessori School Summer Program Registration
I, would like to sign up my child ___________________,
Age , for June Summer Session (s) 1, 2, 3, 4, Morning Session: All Day _______
Please circle the weeks of your choice, and circle the applicable fees at the top of the page for the
week(s) that you selected. Fees are due no later than April 29th to reserve a space for your child in our summer program. Space is limited!
I am including the amount of $_______________ to cover the summer program tuition for my child.
Please note that tuition is non-refundable.
My email address is: please print clearly!___________________________________________________
Cell phone # :_________________________________________________________________________
Thank you!