July Open Houses and July Montessori Program

July Open Houses and July Montessori Program

CountrySide Montessori School will host

Two Open Houses in July for Fall Registration

July 18th and July 25th, from 11:00-2:00 PM

We only have VERY FEW openings left!

Art and Science Camp- What’s in Our Back Yard?” July 20 – 24th

We will explore the world of our back yard plants, animals, insects, and birds! Our famous artist to be studied will be Audubon, and others that celebrate the beauty of nature! As always, there will be water fun “Splish-Splash” days,” special cooking activities, music, science, games, gardening, arts and crafts, and more for all children.

“Make Your Own Masterpieces #2” July 27-31, ages 3 to 8 years.

Students will paint with watercolor, draw with chalk, experiment with paint, make collages,, sculpt, and will make other uniquely creative projects. We will continue to learn about world-famous artists and their masterpieces, including such as Renoir, Kandinsky,  Degas, DaVinci, plus American artists and sculptors!! Repeated by popular request! Also, a selection of “Back to School” activities!