
2014 Summer Day Camp Program!

CountrySide Montessori School at The little Mulberry Park



Exciting June/July Summer Camp Program!

                                                          CSMS JUNE & JULY SUMMER PROGRAM 

2014  Montessori Summer Camp

Hanne Gottschalk, MA, AMI Directress, Vivian Navarro, BA, and Yanti Blackard, BA

Ÿ  1. “Famous Artists, and Arts and Crafts Around the World” June 2-6th, ages 3 to 8 years. Exploring Famous artists and their art work. We will explore cultural traditions and unique features through arts and crafts, art, inspiring art books, and photographs. The children will learn about Leonardo DaVinci, Gauguin, Van Gogh, Rembrandt. Klee, Monet, and others! All camps are lively, packed with hands-on fun activities!

·   2. “Make Your Own Masterpieces” June 9 – 13th, ages 3 to 8 years. Students will paint with watercolor, draw with chalk, experiment, make collages, tie dye, make mobiles, sculpt, and will make other uniquely creative projects,\; 0ages 3 to 8. We will continue to learn about world-famous artists and their masterpieces, such as Renoir, Manet, Degas, Grandma Moses, Holbein, and others!

·      3. Spanish Camp, Spanish Artists and Culture  ” June 16-20th,ages 3 to 8 years. Exploring North American, South American, and Spanish Artists and  cultures through arts and crafts, music, songs,  food, fascinating photographs, videos, visual arts, architecture, plus simple Spanish lessons. Ms. Navarro will again be our Spanish expert! Lively, mind-stretching, and fun!

·      4. “Montessori Math Camp, & Exploring Math in Arts and Crafts!“ June 23 – 27th (3-8 year olds) This curricular enrichment camp was immensely popular last summer!  Children practiced with the golden beads, and by using the Montessori Math materials, were able to grasp quickly the conecpts, of quantities, such a 10, 100, 1000, etc. (addition, multiplication, subtraction, division) As always, there will be water fun days “Splish-Splash” days,” special cooking activities, music, games, gardening, and more!

·      5. July 28- August 1 : “Getting ready to go back to school!” 

                                                        Camp Tuition

Early Bird  Summer Day  Camp Special until March 31st!

                                    Camp Fees: 9:00 AM -12:00 Noon – ½ day

Tuition for 4 weeks (M through F ): $550.00          One week (M through F ): $150.00
Two week session (M through F): $300.00             Two week session: M, W, F: $200.00

                                                Camp Fees: 9:00-3:00 PM- all day

Tuition for 4 weeks (M through F ): $750         One week (M through F ): $ 190.00
Two week session (M through F): $380.00        Two week session: M, W, F,or  M, T, Th: $250.00

Daily Rate: drop in basis for past and presently enrolled students only and siblings:$40.00 for ½ day, 55.00 for a full day. Camp tuition is due upon registration to reserve a space.



“Like us” on  CountrySide’s facebook!

email: [email protected]


Early Bird Summer Registration

I,________________________________ would like to sign up my child____________________________                            

 _________________________________,Age            , for summer session (s) 1,  2,  3,  4. 5.

Morning Camp: ___________________________All Day Camp:                                                     

Please circle the weeks of your choice, and circle the applicable fees at the top of

 the page for the camp(s) that you selected.

                                                    Thank you!