Our CountrySide Montessori School Summer Campers are having a fabulous time! They are participating in Spanish, Art , or Math Camp, and activities are educational, fun-filled, and engaging! Gardening, cooking, picnics, Irish dancing, and water days are among the children’s favorites!
Golden Bead work!Laying out numbers 1-3000Spanish Color Bingo!South American Flag work!Spanish Style Snack Buffet!Ms. Navarro explains the procedure!We are paying attention!Everyone is very excited about this special snack!
Getting second helpings!Oh. how delicious!Thinking hard!Fun with a continent basket!Ms. Yanti is lending a helping hand!Work with the Hundred Boord!Solving addition problems!Picking strawberries from our own strawberry patch!Picking strawberries to make smoothies!I am trying to be Very careful!Look at that beautiful strawberry!This is a big one!This is so much fun!Look at this strawberry harvest!Learning about Spain!Number Rod math work!Ready for camp!Bright and cheerful classrooms!Beautiful summer camp classroom!Let’s read!Learning about African animals!How does one do this?Splashing in the mini pool!Refilling our water spray bottles to stay cooled off!
Oh happy Day!Ready, set, go!Enjoying the moment!Look at me!Cooling off with Spray bottlesl!Scrubbing tables and making bubbles!Whom can I spray now?Water sprinkler fun!Mom and daughter!Adjusting the sprinkler!What a thrill a sprinkler can be!May I spray you?Having a great time together!Trying out the water slide!And down we go!Having a great time at “Splish-Splash” Day!Making a continent booklet!I am a BIG girl!Making pot holders!Fishing with magnetic numbers!I caught a fish!I can do anything!Matching games!Ms. Navarro snips parsely for our salad!
Picking cherry tomatoes for our salad!Careful gardener!Finding just the right lettuce leaves!A delicious assortment of fresh lettuce leaves!Look at these peas and tomatoes!A fine harvest!Learning how to gather vegetables!Our vegetables are ready to be enjoyed!Making collages!Setting out numbers 1-3000Even moms want to learn how to use the Golden Beads for math!Preparing the salad!Making waffles con dulce de leche!Big smiles for the waffles and fruit!Teaching an Irish dance!Step forward!Expertly chopping vegetables for our salad!Thank you, Ms. Navarro!We love to eat fresh salad!Ms. Navarro adds the final touch!More Irish dancing!Everyone joins in the fun!Look at these expert dancers!Our Cordon Bleux chefs!