March 2013 Newsletter

February was filled with educational highlights and special events! Mothers and grandmothers loved the “Mothers’ Night,”celebrating the accomplishments and self-confidence that the children displayed during the evening! Mothers’ Night is so far the most popular event of our Facebook page! We also celebrated “Asia Day.” It is heartwarming to know that distant relatives and friends of our families can connect now via our Facebook page, and see all of the activities of the children they cherish so much!
Grandparents’ Night! So many of our grandparents are very much involved in the lives of their grandchildren, and we wanted to honor our grandparents by dedicating one evening just for grandparents and their grandchildren. On March 28, from 6:30 – 7:30 PM, CountrySide will host our Grandparents’ Night. Please mark your calendar!
Europe Day! On March 1st, we will highlight Europe and celebrate “Europe Day.“ Please bring “Show and Tell” items that relate to European countries in some way. Ms. Lisa Dubock from England will talk about England, and we will taste a variety of food items from Europe. Ms. Hanne will bring many personal items from her home to share with the class
A Warm Welcome To Two New Students! We are delighted to welcome three year old Rahim Mohamed and four year old Addison Bodine to CountrySide Montessori School! Please help us in offering a warm welcome to the parents of both students!
“Thank You,” Parents! Our Valentine’s Day was packed with fun activities, from exchanging Valentines to making bird feeders, and special cards for parents. Many parents brought creative, non-edible Valentine treats for the children. Thank you to each of you! The children loved it!
“Thank You,” Mr. Harvey, Maggie’s Dad! Maggie’s grandfather who is a a dentist, was unable to come for his much anticipated presentation on dental hygiene, but his son, Mr. Harvey, came to the rescue! Mr. Harvey showed the children how to floss and brush teeth properly. He talked about sugar bugs, and the importance of not eating sugary items. Every child received a bag filled with floss, toothpaste, a tooth brush and other special treats. Thank you so much, Mr. Harvey, for volunteering your time! We greatly appreciate your enthusiasm and generosity!
Spring Parent-Teacher Cconferences! Ms Hanne will schedule Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences throughout the month of March. We will meet at 12:15 PM or at 3:00 PM, depending upon your child’s schedule. Please let me know which days of the week would be most convenient for you. The conferences usually last about 30 minutes. We will set up a convenient time within the next several days.
Spring Is In The Air! (At least sometimes…) We are joyously anticipating warm weather, and the opportunity to plan our gardening activities. We will soon need a few volunteers to help us with preparing our flower and vegetable beds for planting. Please let me know if you would like to participate. We may call you on the spur- of- the- moment when we have a warm and sunny day!
Summer And Fall Sign-Up Are In Full Swing: To our great delight, many of our children are already signed up to return for the 2013-2014 school year. If you have not reserved a space for next year, please do so at your earliest convenience.
Open House, Saturday March 23, From 11:00 to 2:00 PM! Please share with your friends the positive experiences that you and your children have enjoyed here at CountrySide Montessori School! We have found that “word- of- mouth” is the most effective way of promoting our school, along with the Internet. Please encourage your friends with young children to schedule a trip to CountrySide Montessori School for an informative visit about the lifelong benefits of a Montessori education. Let them know about our website and facebook to view all photos and events that feature our mind-stretching educational school activities!
March Birthdays! Carrigan will turn four years old on March 3rd, and Rahim will be three years old on March 9th. ! Happy Birthday, Carrigan and Rahim!
Mid-March Break!. We are closed on Friday, March 8th and Monday, March 11th for Mid-March Break.
“Thank You” To Our Volunteers! We always deeply appreciate everyone’s contribution to helping us out when we are in need. A great big “Thank You” to Meredith McClean (laminating and copying), Ashley Armitage (Facebook Coordinator), Doug Ingram,(Web and Internet consulting volunteer), Katie Robinson (label making), and Kandice Jutis (Search Engine Optimization, Youtube videos), Jessica Cooney (refreshments and Box Tops Coordinator), and Steven Harvey (dental hygiene presentation). We are so fortunate to have the best students AND parents! Thank you so very much!
Box Tops for Education is Back! A great big “Thank You” to Jessica Cooney who will coordinate the Box Tops for Education program for us. Just put your box tops in a plastic envelope, and either give them to Mrs. Cooney during car pool or to Ms. Hanne. Mrs. Cooney will do the rest. Thank you so much!
Don’t forget to tell your friends
to LIKE our Facebook page! Thank you!
The word education must not be understood in the sense of teaching,
but of assisting the psychological development of the child.
Dr. Maria Montessori