
Welcome Back to School!

AMI Montessori School

           Member: North American Montessori Teachers Association

      August 11, 2012 Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Our new school year is off to a wonderful start! We have again an amazing group of children! Last week, the first week of the new school year, the children were calm and happy to be at CountrySide Montessori School,  with almost everyone choosing activities on their own! It was remarkable! Even our youngest students were relaxed and comfortable, practicing some newly learned lessons with enjoyment and focus. We look forward to an exciting and wondrous new school year for everyone!

Ms. Hanne, CountrySide Montessori School’s AMI directress,  is very pleased to be in the classroom, guiding and inspiring your children giving lessons, singing songs, taking care of our plants and birds outside, and encouraging the children to choose “challenging work!” This year again, our talented Ms. Navarro will assist in the classroom during the morning hours, from 8:30 AM until noon. She will also continue to hold her popular Spanish class for our afternoon students from 1:15 to 2:00 PM on Tuesday afternoons. We offer this class at no extra charge for parents. Ms. Navarro is a native of Columbia, South America. She received a Bachelors Degree in Spanish Literature and Art and has had many years of experience as a Montessori Assistant.  All of Ms. Navarro’s three children have attended Montessori schools.  We are also pleased to welcome our new Classroom Assistant,  Ms. Yanti Blackard. Ms. Yanti, like Ms. Navarro, is a trained Montessori Assistant with over six years of experience. She lives in Dacula with her husband and two young children. Ms. Yanti was born in Indonesia; she was educated in Switzerland and the United States, holding a degree in Hotel Management. Ms. Yanti assists with the students the afternoons. We are so fortunate to have such nurturing and compassionate high quality teaching staff for our young children!

Our “Meet and Greet” event was a great success! Everyone enjoyed meeting new and returning parents along with their children. We wish to thank Ms. Cooney, our wonderful new room mom, for bringing the delicious fruit tray! A sincere “Thank You” to all parents who signed up to volunteer during the school year.

We warmly welcome our new students! We warmly welcome our newly enrolled children to CountrySide Montessori School for the 2012/2013 School year: Keira Jutis, Ariana’s younger sister, Addison Cook, Penn Wiegand, C.A, Cadence McClean, Sullivan Robinson, and Tommy Birkle (who will spend the month of August with us)! We look forward to a spectacular year for all of our boys and girls, filled with joy and love for learning! Please continue to help us grow our school by telling your friends about CountrySide Montessori School!

Parent Directory Every family should have received a new family directory for August.  Please review the information listed under your name and let Ms. Hanne know if any corrections need to be made. Thank you.

Pamper Yourself! On August 17, Lisa Dubock, my dear classmate during the year-long AMI training course, and a veteran Montessori teacher with over 11 years experience, will treat you to a marvelous Mary Kay complimentary facial held in my office!  Lisa will be here at 9:00 AM for the moms who would like to experience a few moments of luxurious pampering! By the way, Lisa was born in England, and she still retains her distinct British accent which I very much enjoy! This fun time, just for you, should not last longer than 45 to 50 minutes. Please RSVP.

August Curriculum Night! On Thursday, August 23, from 5:00-6:00 PM, we are planning our first Curriculum Night entitled “Overview of the Montessori Curriculum & Montessori at Home and at School.” This meeting will benefit parents of all of our students, but especially parents of our new students. I am thanking you in advance for your “RSVP,” if you plan to join us for this event. Our Curriculum Nights are for adults only.

“Mulberry Park Days” Traditionally, many of our parents have met after the noon or afternoon pick- up at the popular nearby Mulberry Park for the purpose of getting to know each other, letting their children play, and having simple lunch picnics. In the past, parents chose Tuesdays and Thursdays. These Mulberry Park Days are a wonderful way to make new friends, and enjoy a support group of parents who have similar values and interests.

Ms. Jessica Cooney kindly volunteered to be our “Room Mom!”  Thank you so much! Ms. Cooney, Matthew’s mom, will help us this year to coordinate special events, along with other interested parents. Throughout the year, CountrySide Montessori School is planning several gardening, cultural, and seasonal events. In the past, our Family Holiday Celebration in December has been beautifully organized with the help of several of our talented moms and dads. We look forward to another great year of creating memorable events for our CountrySide families!

Special Curriculum Night for Parents of Kindergarten Students. Coming in September, we will announce a date for a special Curriculum Evening just for parents of our Kindergarten students. It is most important that at least one of the parents attend this meeting.

Ballet with “Creative Dance & Movement” is back! We need six families that are interested in signing up their children for this ballet and creative movement class held on Fridays from 8:45-9:30 AM. Children need to come dressed for the class. We handed out brochures last week. In the past, Ms. Kim was the instructor and we absolutely loved her and the way she taught the class. It is an extra curriculum activity for which there is a separate fee payable to “Creative Dance & Movement.”  The fees are listed in the brochure. Please let me know right away if you wish to sign up your child, so we can begin the ballet and dance sessions. Please note that there are no make-up classes.

Thank you for contributing school supplies! We greatly appreciate your help. Please remember to return the last page of the parent handbook, updated immunization form, and volunteer checklist.

Thank you again for entrusting us with the early education of your children. We take our responsibilities as teachers very seriously. Please feel free to address any ideas, questions or concerns to Ms. Hanne. By working as a team, we will have the best results for our young children in helping them to develop their potentials; becoming confident, caring young people, and using their developing inquisitive minds for the betterment of our world and mankind.

Yours in Kindness,

Ms. Hanne and Mr. Bill, and all of us at CountrySide