February 2012 Newsletter
CountrySide Montessori School at The Little Mulberry Park
“Where children love to learn, discover, and respect one another”
February 2012 Newsletter
v A great month of January! The month of January was filled with exciting learning activities for all of our students! The younger children concentrated on mastering new skills involving the Montessori materials, while our older students practiced being successful merchants; buying and selling items for pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. They also learned about the human skeleton, and the names and functions of some its 206 bones. Our students showed great interest in the child-sized skeleton that was donated by our parents. They practiced telling time and learned about the oceans of the world. Miss Nataly, our young volunteer teacher from Ecuador, told the children about Alexander Graham Bell and his invention, the telephone. We harvested our own Spinach and broccoli, sprinkled with strawberries, and everyone enjoyed a delicious tossed salad with Ranch dressing! Our classroom is buzzing with children working with puzzles of the continents, classifying and categorizing species of animals, reading phonetic books, sounding out words, practicing math problems, and improving their writing skills!
v New Materials: We have purchased many new classroom materials. The children are very excited about the large world map with small flags for each country, a wooden scale for measuring, several animal puzzles, and cards for labeling simple and complex geometry shapes. In addition, Mr. Bill has ordered several beautiful books about American History, specifically meant for children. This month, I will read one story per day from this book about historical events of this country, including stories about our Presidents. Everyone was spellbound by the story of the first moon landing by Neil Armstrong and the other astronauts. The children kept asking me if this was a true story!
v Welcome Matthew! We warmly welcome Matthew Cooney as a new student to CountrySide Montessori School. Matthew is four years old. He loves to learn; and we love his addition to our student body.
v Kindergarten Progress Checklist: For the past two weeks, Ms. Hanne has conducted progress reviews of each child bound for first grade in the Fall. These checklists have helped us to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each child. During the follow-up discussing with each parent, each parent received a copy of their child’s checklist. This is the first time we have ever conducted these assessments that help us, both parents and teachers, to work with each child’s specific learning accomplishments. We have received very positive feedback from our parents!
v Thank, Dr. Jutis! On Tursday, February 2nd, Dr. Jutis ( Ariana’s father) talked to the children about the spine and the importance of exercise for continued good health. The children loved the 15 minute exercise session, and all received a pamphlet entitled “Straighten up America.” Dr. Jutis also handed a gift certificate for a complimentary massage to every child to give to their parents. Thank you so much for helping our children learn more about good health habits!
v Father’s Night: Our father’s night was a huge success! Everyone enjoyed it immensely! Thank you again for taking the time to show your children how much you value your children and what they are learning.
v Mother’s Night and Grandparents’ Night: On February 9th, from 6:30-7:30 pm, mothers and aunts will be invited to experience a “Montessori Moment.” Also, on on February 21st, from 6:30 to 7:30 pm, grandparents (or uncles or fathers) will also have the opportunity to see what their grandchildren or children are learning at CountrySide Montessori School. Everyone is invited!
v “Show and Tell”: “Show and Tell” is scheduled for Fridays. This is a new addition to our program, and we love it! Each child may bring an item of educational value, not a toy, to talk about and show to their classmates during group time. Children have brought in crystals, rocks, coins from foreign countries, books, souvenirs from travels, and more. To everyone’s delight, Clay brought in a skeleton that glowed in the dark!
v February Birthdays: Mackenzie was born on February 2nd, 2006. Happy Birthday, Mackenzie!
v Valentines Exchange: On Friday, February 10th, we are planning a Valentine’s exchange at our school. Please decorate a small shoe box at home with your child. Also, please write your child’s name on the box and on the lid. Prepare about 27 Valentines, each labeled with your child’s name. The Valentines do not have to be addressed to individual children. One note of caution; please do not send any candy or chocolates! Thank you!
v Classroom Observations: We would like all parents to have the chance to observe our Montessori classroom activities; and we warmly invite you to schedule a future date with us. Beginning February 25th, parents may sign up for an observation date. Observations can last from 30 to 40 minutes. This time span gives you a good window of observation to see what the children are doing. You will be amazed!
v Presidents’ Day Weekend: CountrySide Montessori School will be closed Friday, February 17th and Monday February 20th, in celebration of Presidents’ Day.
v Summer Program: We are scheduling an exciting and fun filled summer program for June. Ms. Navarro and Ms. Hanne will be teaching our summer camp program. This year, we will offer a “Spanish Camp” June 4 – 8th, and an “Advanced Art Camp” from June 11-15th for children ages 4 to 7 years old. Classes will be held from 8:30 am to 12:00 noon, M-F. Additional summer camp themes and ideas are still in progress. Please share your ideas with us! We will finalize our summer camp topics and plans by March 1st.
v Thank you! The children have enjoyed wonderful snack selections during the past several months. Parents have brought Hummus, Pita bread, trail mix, homemade muffins, fruit dipped in yogurt, prunes, and always fresh fruit and nutritious crackers. Please ensure that your child eats a healthy breakfast at home. The children’s brains need good nourishment to help them focus and concentrate at school. Thank you so much!
Happy Valentine’s Day!