Back to School Notes, August 2011
Dear Parents,
Summer is winding to an end, and we can only hope that the heat wave will soon subside!
We had a wonderful summer with lots of art activities evolving around our fun and interesting topics. Every Wednesday, we looked forward to cooling off with lots of refreshing water games!
As always, we follow a procedure that allows the children to adjust gradually to the first week of school.
1.On Tuesday, August 9th, from from 9:00-12:00 only, school will start for all newly enrolled children who did not attend CountrySide last year.
2. On Wednesday, August 10th, children who attended last year will begin their regular school schedule, either 9:00-12:00, or 9:00- 3:00 pm.
3. On Thursday, August 11th, all children will attend school for their regular school schedule.
4. August 12th, Friday’s highlight will be our “Back to school-getting to know each other picnic” at 11:00 am, and volunteer sign- up for the year.
As always, please bring your favorite potluck dish. Due to the heat wave, we will be both inside and outside to accommodate parents, children and grandparents. Early dismissal is at 12:30 pm. In case of rain, the picnic will be held inside! You will also receive a school calendar at the latest by August 12th.
We are looking forward to an exciting new school year, filled with academic learning and memorable times!
Please call or e-mail me if you have any questions.
Enjoy the rest of the summer !
With Warmest Regards,
Ms. Hanne
Hanne Gottschalk
CountrySide Montessori School
3674 Fence Road
Auburn, GA 30011
770.277.3950 (O)
770.277.3953 (F)
404.539.8268 (c)